
Source: app-wrapper/js/helper/debugHelper.js

 * @fileOverview DebugHelper class file
 * @author Dino Ivankov <dinoivankov@gmail.com>
 * @version 1.3.1

const path = require('path');
const _ = require('lodash');
const pusage = require('pidusage');

const AppBaseClass = require('../lib/appBase').AppBaseClass;

var _appWrapper;
var appState;

 * DebugHelper class - handles and manages app debugger and debug messages
 * @class
 * @extends {appWrapper.AppBaseClass}
 * @memberof appWrapper.helpers
class DebugHelper extends AppBaseClass {

     * Creates DebugHelper instance
     * @constructor
     * @return {DebugHelper}              Instance of DebugHelper class
    constructor() {

        if (window && window.getAppWrapper && _.isFunction(window.getAppWrapper)){
            _appWrapper = window.getAppWrapper();
            appState = _appWrapper.getAppState();

        this.timeouts = {
            processDebugMessagesTimeout: null

        this.intervals = {
            usageData: null

        this.boundMethods = {
            refreshUsageData: null

        return this;

     * Opens standalone debug window
     * @return {undefined}
    openDebugWindow (){
        this.log('Opening standalone debug window', 'info', []);
        _appWrapper.debugWindow = _appWrapper.windowManager.openNewWindow(this.getConfig('debug.debugWindowFile'), {
            id: 'debugWindow',
            frame: false
        this.addUserMessage('Debug window opened', 'info', [], false,  false);

     * Prepares standalone debug window data and references to main window data
     * @async
     * @return {window} Reference to debug window
    async prepareDebugWindow () {
        _appWrapper.debugWindow.appState = _.cloneDeep(appState);
        _appWrapper.debugWindow.appState.debugMessages = appState.debugMessages;
        _appWrapper.debugWindow.appState.allDebugMessages = appState.allDebugMessages;
        _appWrapper.debugWindow.appState.hasDebugWindow = false;
        _appWrapper.debugWindow.appState.config = appState.config;
        _appWrapper.debugWindow.document.body.className += ' nw-body-initialized';
        appState.hasDebugWindow = true;
        return _appWrapper.debugWindow;

     * Toggles debug.hideDebug config variable, showing or hiding app-debug component with debug messages
     * @return {undefined}
    toggleDebug () {
        _appWrapper.appConfig.setConfigVar('debug.hideDebug', !appState.config.debug.hideDebug);

     * Changes minimum debug level for displaying debug messages
     * @param  {Event} e Event that triggered the method
     * @return {undefined}
        var level = e.target.value;
        this.addUserMessage('Changing debug level to "{1}".', 'info', [level], false, false);
        _appWrapper.appConfig.setConfigVar('debug.debugLevel', level);
        if (appState.isDebugWindow) {
            this.addUserMessage('Changing debug level in main window to "{1}".', 'info', [level], false, false);
            _appWrapper.mainWindow.appState.config.debug.debugLevel = level;


     * Clears console and all debug messages
     * @return {undefined}
    clearDebugMessages () {
        if (appState.isDebugWindow){
            _appWrapper.mainWindow.appState.allDebugMessages = [];
            _appWrapper.mainWindow.appState.debugMessages = [];
            appState.allDebugMessages = _appWrapper.mainWindow.appState.allDebugMessages;
            appState.debugMessages = _appWrapper.mainWindow.appState.debugMessages;
        } else {
            appState.allDebugMessages = [];
            appState.debugMessages = [];
            if (appState.hasDebugWindow){
                _appWrapper.debugWindow.appState.allDebugMessages = appState.allDebugMessages;
                _appWrapper.debugWindow.appState.debugMessages = appState.debugMessages;
        this.addUserMessage('Debug messages cleared', 'debug', []);

     * Handler for save debug button
     * @param  {Event} e Event that triggered the method
     * @return {undefined}
    saveDebug (e) {
        if (e && e.preventDefault && _.isFunction(e.preventDefault)){

     * Opens modal dialog for saving debug log to file
     * @async
     * @return {undefined}
    async showSaveDebugModal () {
        let modalHelper = _appWrapper.getHelper('modal');
        let modalOptions = {
            title: _appWrapper.appTranslations.translate('Saving debug log to file'),
            bodyComponent: 'save-debug',
            confirmButtonText: _appWrapper.appTranslations.translate('Save'),
            cancelButtonText: _appWrapper.appTranslations.translate('Cancel'),
            showCancelButton: false,
            confirmDisabled: true,
            hasHiddenMessages: appState.allDebugMessages.length - appState.debugMessages.length,
            saveFileError: false,
            defaultFilename: 'debug-' + _appWrapper.getHelper('format').formatDateNormalize(new Date(), false, true) + '.txt',
            busy: true,
            busyText: _appWrapper.appTranslations.translate('Please wait...'),
            onOpen: function() {
                let buttonEl = appState.modalData.modalElement.querySelector('.file-picker-button');
                if (buttonEl){
        _appWrapper._confirmModalAction = _appWrapper.getHelper('util').confirmSaveLogAction;
        modalHelper.openModal('saveDebugModal', modalOptions);

     * Handler for opening file dialog for saving debug log to file
     * @param  {Event} e Event that triggered the method
     * @return {undefined}
    saveDebugFileClick (e){
        let fileEl = e.target.parentNode.querySelector('.file-picker');
        fileEl.setAttribute('nwsaveas', 'debug-' + _appWrapper.getHelper('format').formatDateNormalize(new Date(), false, true) + '.json');

     * Handler that saves debug log to file when related input value has changed
     * @return {undefined}
    saveDebugFileChange () {
        let modalHelper = _appWrapper.getHelper('modal');
        modalHelper.setModalVar('saveFileError', false);
        var modalElement = window.document.querySelector('.modal-dialog');
        var fileNameElement = modalElement.querySelector('input[type=file]');
        var debugFileName = fileNameElement.value;
        var fileValid = true;
        if (!debugFileName){
            appState.modalData.currentModal.saveFileError = true;
            fileValid = false;
        } else {
            if (!_appWrapper.fileManager.fileExists(debugFileName)){
                appState.modalData.currentModal.fileExists = false;
                let dirPath = path.dirname(debugFileName);
                if (!_appWrapper.fileManager.isDir(dirPath)){
                    fileValid = false;
                    this.addModalMessage(_appWrapper.appTranslations.translate('Chosen file directory is not a directory!'), 'error', []);
                } else {
                    if (!_appWrapper.fileManager.isFileWritable(debugFileName)){
                        fileValid = false;
                        this.addModalMessage(_appWrapper.appTranslations.translate('Chosen file is not writable!'), 'error', []);
            } else {
                appState.modalData.currentModal.fileExists = true;
                var filePath = path.resolve(debugFileName);
                let dirPath = path.dirname(filePath);

                if (!_appWrapper.fileManager.isFile(filePath)){
                    fileValid = false;
                    this.addModalMessage(_appWrapper.appTranslations.translate('Chosen file is not a file!'), 'error', []);
                } else {
                    if (!_appWrapper.fileManager.fileExists(dirPath)){
                        fileValid = false;
                        this.addModalMessage(_appWrapper.appTranslations.translate('Chosen directory does not exist!'), 'error', []);
                    } else {
                        if (_appWrapper.fileManager.isDir(dirPath)){
                            if (!_appWrapper.fileManager.isFileWritable(filePath)){
                                fileValid = false;
                                this.addModalMessage(_appWrapper.appTranslations.translate('Chosen file is not writable!'), 'error', []);
                        } else {
                            fileValid = false;
                            this.addModalMessage(_appWrapper.appTranslations.translate('Chosen direcory it not a directory!'), 'error', []);
        if (!fileValid){
            appState.modalData.currentModal.fileExists = false;
            appState.modalData.currentModal.confirmDisabled = true;
        } else {
            modalHelper.setModalVar('file', debugFileName);
            modalHelper.setModalVar('confirmDisabled', false);
            setTimeout(() => {
                let buttonEl = appState.modalData.modalElement.querySelector('.modal-button-confirm');
                if (buttonEl){
            }, this.getConfig('shortPauseDuration'));

     * Clears all user messages
     * @param  {Event} e Event that triggered the method
     * @return {undefined}
    clearUserMessages (e) {
        if (e && e.preventDefault && _.isFunction(e.preventDefault)){
        appState.userMessageQueue = [];
        appState.userMessages = [];
        this.log('User messages cleared', 'info', []);

     * Changes minimum user message level for displaying user messages
     * @param  {Event} e Event that triggered the method
     * @return {undefined}
    changeUserMessageLevel (e) {
        var level = e.target.value;
        _appWrapper.appConfig.setConfigVar('userMessages.userMessageLevel', level);
        appState.userMessagesData.selectFocused = false;

     * Opens modal dialog with debugging configuration editor
     * @return {undefined}
    openDebugConfigEditor () {
        let modalHelper = _appWrapper.getHelper('modal');
        let modalOptions = {
            title: _appWrapper.appTranslations.translate('Debug config editor'),
            confirmButtonText: _appWrapper.appTranslations.translate('Save'),
            cancelButtonText: _appWrapper.appTranslations.translate('Cancel'),
        appState.modalData.currentModal = modalHelper.getModalObject('debugConfigEditorModal', modalOptions);
        modalHelper.modalBusy(_appWrapper.appTranslations.translate('Please wait...'));
        _appWrapper._confirmModalAction = this.saveDebugConfig.bind(this);
        _appWrapper._cancelModalAction = (evt) => {
            if (evt && evt.preventDefault && _.isFunction(evt.preventDefault)){
            // appState.status.noHandlingKeys = false;
            _appWrapper._cancelModalAction = _appWrapper.__cancelModalAction;
            return _appWrapper.__cancelModalAction();

     * Handler for saving debug configuration (from debug config modal)
     * @async
     * @param  {Event} e Event that triggered the method
     * @return {undefined}
    async saveDebugConfig (e) {
        if (e && e.preventDefault && _.isFunction(e.preventDefault)){
        let modalHelper = _appWrapper.getHelper('modal');
        let utilHelper = _appWrapper.getHelper('util');
        var form = e.target;
        let finalConfig = await utilHelper.setObjectValuesFromForm(form, appState.config);
        await _appWrapper.appConfig.setConfig(finalConfig);

     * Returns number of debug messages that have stack information
     * @return {Number} Number of debug messages with stack information
    getDebugMessageStacksCount () {
        let stackCount = 0;
        for(let i=0; i<appState.debugMessages.length; i++){
            if (appState.debugMessages[i].stack && appState.debugMessages[i].stack.length){
        return stackCount;

     * Checks whether all debug stack messages are displayed
     * @return {Boolean} False if all debug stack infos are displayed, true otherwise
    getDebugMessageStacksState () {
        let stacksCount = this.getDebugMessageStacksCount();
        let stacksOpen = 0;
        for(let i=0; i<appState.debugMessages.length; i++){
            if (appState.debugMessages[i].stack && appState.debugMessages[i].stack.length){
                if (appState.debugMessages[i].stackVisible){
        return stacksOpen >= stacksCount;

     * Shows or hides stack info for all debug messages
     * @return {undefined}
    toggleDebugMessageStacks () {
        let currentState = !this.getDebugMessageStacksState();
        for(let i=0; i<appState.debugMessages.length; i++){
            if (appState.debugMessages[i].stack && appState.debugMessages[i].stack.length){
                appState.debugMessages[i].stackVisible = currentState;

     * Expands or contracts app-debug part of the application
     * @return {undefined}
    toggleDebugMessages () {
        _appWrapper.appConfig.setConfigVar('debug.messagesExpanded', !this.getConfig('debug.messagesExpanded'));

     * Toggles usage data display flag on or off
     * @async
     * @return {undefined}
    async toggleUsageData () {
        appState.config.debug.usage = !appState.config.debug.usage;

     * Starts app usage monitoring
     * @async
     * @return {undefined}
    async startUsageMonitor () {
        await this.refreshUsageData();
        this.intervals.usageData = setInterval(this.boundMethods.refreshUsageData, this.getConfig('debug.usageInterval', 1000));

     * Stops app usage monitoring
     * @async
     * @return {undefined}
    stopUsageMonitor () {
        appState.usageData.minCpu = -1;
        appState.usageData.maxCpu = 1;
        appState.usageData.minMemory = -1;
        appState.usageData.maxMemory = 1;

     * Refreshes current usage data, setting max and min values if needed and pushing previous values to history
     * @async
     * @return {undefined}
    async refreshUsageData () {
        let data = await this.getUsageData();
        if (data){
            if (appState.usageData.previous.length > this.getConfig('debug.usageHistoryCount', 1000)){
                appState.usageData.previous = appState.usageData.previous.slice(1, 2);
            if (appState.usageData.previous.length){
                appState.usageData.change.cpu = _.round(data.cpu - appState.usageData.previous[appState.usageData.previous.length-1].cpu, 2);
                appState.usageData.change.memory = data.memory - appState.usageData.previous[appState.usageData.previous.length-1].memory;
                if (isNaN(appState.usageData.change.cpu)){
                    appState.usageData.change.cpu = 0;
                if (isNaN(appState.usageData.change.memory)){
                    appState.usageData.change.memory = 0;
            } else {
                appState.usageData.change.cpu = 0;
                appState.usageData.change.memory = 0;

            appState.usageData.current = data;
            if (data.cpu > appState.usageData.maxCpu){
                appState.usageData.maxCpu = data.cpu;
            } else if (appState.usageData.minCpu === -1 || data.cpu < appState.usageData.minCpu){
                appState.usageData.minCpu = data.cpu;
            if (data.memory > appState.usageData.maxMemory){
                appState.usageData.maxMemory = data.memory;
            } else if (appState.usageData.minMemory === -1 || data.memory < appState.usageData.minMemory){
                appState.usageData.minMemory = data.memory;

     * Gets usage data from the OS
     * @async
     * @return {Object} Usage data object with 'cpu' and 'memory' properties
    async getUsageData () {
        var returnPromise;
        var resolveReference;
        returnPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
            resolveReference = resolve;
        pusage.stat(process.pid, (err, stat) => {
            if (err){
                this.log(err, 'error', []);
            } else {
                stat.timestamp = +new Date();
        return returnPromise;

     * Handler for usage interval change - stops current interval and starts new one with new duration
     * @async
     * @return {undefined}
    async usageIntervalChange (){
        if (appState.config.debug.usage){
            this.intervals.usageData = setInterval(this.boundMethods.refreshUsageData, this.getConfig('debug.usageInterval', 1000));

     * Toggles display of usage graphs
     * @return {undefined}
    toggleUsageGraphs (){
        appState.config.debug.usageGraphs = !appState.config.debug.usageGraphs;

exports.DebugHelper = DebugHelper;