
Class: ComponentHelper

appWrapper.helpers. ComponentHelper

ComponentHelper class - handles and manages app component operations


Creates ComponentHelper instance


Name Type Description
allComponents Object Object holding all components
vueComponents Object Object holding "regular" app components
vueGlobalComponents Object Object holding global components
vueModalComponents Object Object holding modal components
vueMixins Object Object holding wrapper mixins
appVueMixins Object Object holding app mixins
vueDirectives Object Object holding wrapper directives
appVueDirectives Object Object holding app directives
vueFilters Object Object holding wrapper filters
appVueFilters Object Object holding app filters





Name Type Description
debugMessage Object Message object to be logged (returned by this.getMessageObject method)


Does actual logging to console (and log file is file logging is enabled)



Method that sets up this.boundMethods property by binding this objects functions to itself to be used as event listener handlers

addDesktopNotification(message, data, dontTranslate, options, callbacks){undefined}


Name Type Description
message string Notification message
data array An array of data strings that are to be applied to notification
dontTranslate Boolean Flag to prevent automatic notification translation
options Object Desktop notification options (passed to HTML5 Notification object constructor)
callbacks Object Object with onshow, onClicked, onClosed and onerror notification handlers


Displays desktop notification Notification message is being interpolated by replacing placeholders such as '{1}', '{2}' etc. by corresponding values from 'data' argument

addModalMessage(message, type, data, important, dontTranslate, force, passToDebug){undefined}


Name Type Description
message string Message to be logged
type string Type of log message (debug, info, warning, error)
data array An array of data strings that are to be applied to logging message
important Boolean Flag to indicate message importance
dontTranslate Boolean Flag to prevent automatic message translation
force Boolean Flag to force message output even if configuration wouldn't allow it
passToDebug Boolean Flag to force passing same message to debug log


Adds modal message to currently open modal dialog Message is being interpolated by replacing placeholders such as '{1}', '{2}' etc. by corresponding values from 'data' argument

addNotification(message, type, data, dontTranslate, options){undefined}


Name Type Description
message string Notification message
type string Notification message type
data array An array of data strings that are to be applied to notification
dontTranslate Boolean Flag to prevent automatic notification translation
options Object Additional notification options


Displays app notification Notification message is being interpolated by replacing placeholders such as '{1}', '{2}' etc. by corresponding values from 'data' argument

addUserMessage(message, type, data, important, dontTranslate, force, passToDebug){undefined}


Name Type Description
message string Message to be logged
type string Type of log message (debug, info, warning, error)
data array An array of data strings that are to be applied to logging message
important Boolean Flag to indicate message importance
dontTranslate Boolean Flag to prevent automatic message translation
force Boolean Flag to force message output even if configuration wouldn't allow it
passToDebug Boolean Flag to force passing same message to debug log


Logs user message if conditions are met Message is being interpolated by replacing placeholders such as '{1}', '{2}' etc. by corresponding values from 'data' argument

applyComponentModuleData(componentModuleData, dirs, mapping, type){Object}


Name Type Description
componentModuleData Object Components module data
dirs Array.<string> Directories to load components from
mapping Object Component mapping
type string Component type ('component', 'globalComponent', 'modalComponent')


Applies component module data to passed parameters



Name Type Description
data Object Message data object


Emits 'asyncMessage' global event, listened by main script

asyncMessageInfo(data, verboseOutput){Object}


Name Type Description
data Object Message data.data object
verboseOutput Boolean Toggles verbose output


Returns info on async messages that can be passed to mainScript



Finalizes current class instance, setting up any additional properties etc. Entire app structure, including frontend app is available here

getComponentMapping(mapping, componentName){Object|boolean}


Name Type Description
mapping Object Component mapping from configuration
componentName string Component name


Find component mapping by its name

getConfig(name, defaultValue){mixed}


Name Type Description
name string String representing path to requested var (i.e. 'appConfig.appInfo.name')
defaultValue mixed Default value to be returned if configuration var is not found


Returns configuration var value



Name Type Description
message obj Message object to be logged (returned by this.getMessageObject method)


Returns string representing log line for appending to debug log file



Name Type Description
name string Name of the helper


Returns instance of helper object based on passed parameter (or false if helper can't be found)



Name Type Description
message obj Message object to be logged (returned by this.getMessageObject method)


Gets JSON represenation of message object for saving into log file, removing unneccessary properties and adding necessary ones

getMessageObject(messageLevel, message, type, data, important, dontTranslate, force){Object}


Name Type Description
messageLevel int Number representing current message level (0=debug, 1=info, 2=warning, 3=error)
message string Message to be logged
type string Type of log message (debug, info, warning, error)
data array An array of data strings that are to be applied to logging message
important Boolean Flag to indicate message importance
dontTranslate Boolean Flag to prevent automatic message translation
force Boolean Flag to force message output even if configuration wouldn't allow it


Returns prepared message object based on passed arguments. Message is being interpolated by replacing placeholders such as '{1}', '{2}' etc. by corresponding values from 'data' argument

getMessageObjectRow(index, messageRowData){Object}


Name Type Description
index mixed Key or array index
messageRowData Object Message row data for logging


Gets single row for tabular message logging

getStateVar(varPath, defaultValue){mixed}


Name Type Description
varPath string String representing path to requested var (i.e. 'appData.appMainData.cancelable')
defaultValue mixed Default value to be returned if appState var is not found


Returns appState var value



Name Type Description
message Object Tabular data


Prepares table data for tabular message logging



Name Type Description
message obj Message object to be logged (returned by this.getMessageObject method)


Returns string representing log line for appending to user message log file

globalEmit(eventName, data){undefined}


Name Type Description
eventName String Name of the event
data Object Event data object


Emits event to globalEmitter (listened by both main script and app code)

initializeComponent(componentBaseDir, componentName, componentMapping, parentName, additionalSubComponents, overrideDirs){Object}


Name Type Description
componentBaseDir string Base directory path
componentName string Name of the component
componentMapping Object Component mapping from configuration
parentName string Name of the parent component
additionalSubComponents array An array of eventual additional child components
overrideDirs Array.<string> Override dirs to look for when loading components


Iniitalizes single component



Name Type Description
options Object Options for logging initialization (currently only 'silent' property is used, determining whether warnings should be printed if no config found)


Determines whether logging for this class is regulated through configuration, setting the logging by it (or warning if there are no configuration settings for this class)

loadComponentTemplate(component, loadDirs){Object}


Name Type Description
component Object Component object
loadDirs Array.<string> An array of dirs to load template from


Loads component template

log(message, type, data, force){undefined}


Name Type Description
message string Message to be logged
type string Type of log message (debug, info, warning, error, group, groupCollaped, groupend)
data array An array of data strings that are to be applied to logging message
force Boolean Flag to force logging output even if config does not allow it


Logs debug message if conditions are met Message is being interpolated by replacing placeholders such as '{1}', '{2}' etc. by corresponding values from 'data' argument



Name Type Description
data Object Event data object


Emits 'message' global event, listened by main script

messageInfo(data, verboseOutput){Object}


Name Type Description
data Object Message data.data object
verboseOutput Boolean Toggles verbose output


Returns info on messages that can be passed to mainScript

messageInfoOutput(messageData, verboseOutput){undefined}


Name Type Description
messageData Object Message response data
verboseOutput Boolean Toggles verbose output


Logs messages info to console

prepareComponent(component, componentBaseDir, componentName, componentMapping, parentName, additionalSubComponents, overrideDirs, loadDirs){Object}


Name Type Description
component Object Unprepared component object
componentBaseDir string Base directory path
componentName string Name of the component
componentMapping Object Component mapping from configuration
parentName string Name of the parent component
additionalSubComponents array An array of eventual additional child components
overrideDirs Array.<string> Override dirs to look for when loading components
loadDirs Array.<string> LoadDirs for loading components


Prepares single component Loads component template, initializes its children using componentMapping argument, injects additional sub components if available, sets data if available, prepares component css files if any, merges componentState with appState (if available), adds eventual filters, mixins and directives This methods returns completely prepared component, ready to be used in the app

processComponents(componentBaseDir, componentMapping, overrideDirs, type){array}


Name Type Description
componentBaseDir string Base directory path
componentMapping Object Component mapping from configuration
overrideDirs Array.<string> Override dirs to look for when loading components
type string Component type ('component', 'globalComponent', 'modalComponent')


Processes components, loading their templates, css, and states

setAppError(title, text, debugText, data, doNotTranslate, messageType, omitIcon){undefined}


Name Type Description
title String App error title
text String App error text
debugText String App error debug text (shown only if debug is enabled)
data Array.<String> An array with replacement data for error title, text and debugText
doNotTranslate Boolean Flag to prevent automatic traslation of title and text
messageType String | null Type of messages to show in app-error ('user', 'debug' or null)
omitIcon Boolean Flag to control app-error icon rendering


Sets (turns on) application error, triggering rendering of app-error component

translate(text, currentLanguage, data){string}


Name Type Description
text string Text to be translated
currentLanguage string Curent language code
data array An array of data strings that are to be applied to translated message


Returns translated value for passed arguments Translation is being interpolated by replacing placeholders such as '{1}', '{2}' etc. by corresponding values from 'data' argument