
Source: app-wrapper/js/lib/base.js

 * @fileOverview Base class file
 * @author Dino Ivankov <dinoivankov@gmail.com>
 * @version 1.3.1

const _ = require('lodash');
const path = require('path');
const eventEmitter = require('events');

let _appWrapper;
let appState;

 * Base class for extending when creating other classes
 * @class
 * @memberOf appWrapper
 * @property {Object}   manifest            Object containing manifest (package.json) file data
 * @property {Object}   config              Object containing configuration data
 * @property {Boolean}  forceUserMessages   Flag to force user message output
 * @property {Boolean}  forceDebug          Flag to force debug message output
 * @property {Object}   boundMethods        Object to hold bound method references for event listeners
 * @property {Object}   timeouts            Object that holds references to this class instance timeouts
 * @property {Object}   intervals           Object that holds references to this class instance intervals
 * @property {Boolean}  needsConfig         Flag to indicate whether class instance needs config, triggering warnings if config is not available for the class
class BaseClass extends eventEmitter {

     * Creates class instance, setting basic properties, and returning the instance itself
     * @constructor
     * @return {BaseClass} Instance of current class
    constructor () {

        if (window && window.getAppWrapper && _.isFunction(window.getAppWrapper)){
            _appWrapper = window.getAppWrapper();
            appState = _appWrapper.getAppState();
        this.manifest = null;
        this.config = null;
        this.forceUserMessages = false;
        this.forceDebug = false;
        this.boundMethods = {};
        this.needsConfig = true;
        this.timeouts = {};
        this.intervals = {};

        return this;

     * Initializes current class instance, setting up logging and
     * bound methods to be used in event listeners
     * @async
     * @param {BaseInitializationOptions} options Initialization options
     * @return {BaseClass} Instance of current class
    async initialize (options){
        if (options && options.manifest) {
            this.manifest = options.manifest;
        if (options && options.config) {
            this.config = options.config;

        await this.initializeLogging(options);
        if (!(options && options.silent)){
            let className = this.constructor.name;
            this.log('Initialized object "{1}"', 'debug', [className]);
        return this;

     * Adds event listeners for this object
     * @return {undefined}
    addEventListeners () {

     * Removes event listeners for this object
     * @return {undefined}
    removeEventListeners () {

     * Finalizes current class instance, setting up any additional properties
     * etc. Entire app structure, including frontend app is available here
     * @async
     * @return {Boolean} Finalizing result
    async finalize () {
        return true;

     * Determines whether logging for this class is regulated through
     * configuration, setting the logging by it (or warning if there
     * are no configuration settings for this class)
     * @async
     * @return {BaseClass}      Instance of the current class
    async initializeLogging() {
        return this;

     * Helper method to get appWrapper instance
     * @return {AppWrapper} An instance of AppWrapper class
    getAppWrapper () {
        if (!_appWrapper){
            if (window && window.getAppWrapper && _.isFunction(window.getAppWrapper)){
                _appWrapper = window.getAppWrapper();
        return _appWrapper;

     * Helper method to get appState object
     * @return {Object} Current appState object
    getAppState () {
        if (!appState){
            let aw = this.getAppWrapper();
            if (aw){
                appState = aw.getAppState();
        return appState;

     * Method that sets up this.boundMethods property by binding this objects
     * functions to itself to be used as event listener handlers
     * @return {undefined}
    addBoundMethods () {
        if (this.boundMethods){
            let keys = _.keys(this.boundMethods);
            for (let i=0; i<keys.length; i++){
                if (this[keys[i]] && _.isFunction(this[keys[i]]) && this[keys[i]].bind && _.isFunction(this[keys[i]].bind)){
                    this.boundMethods[keys[i]] = this[keys[i]].bind(this);

     * Method that cleans up this.boundMethods property
     * set in this.addBoundMethods method
     * @return {undefined}
    removeBoundMethods () {
        let keys = _.keys(this.boundMethods);
        for (let i=0; i<keys.length; i++){
            this.boundMethods[keys[i]] = null;
        this.boundMethods = {};

     * Destructor method - cleans up references for this instance
     * freeing memory upon object destruction
     * @return {undefined}
    destroy () {

     * Returns appState var value
     * @param  {string} varPath      String representing path to requested var (i.e. 'appData.appMainData.cancelable')
     * @param  {mixed} defaultValue  Default value to be returned if appState var is not found
     * @return {mixed}               appState var value
    getStateVar (varPath, defaultValue){
        let varValue;
        if (appState){
            varValue = _.get(appState, varPath, defaultValue);
        if (_.isUndefined(varValue) && !_.isUndefined(defaultValue)){
            varValue = defaultValue;
        return varValue;

     * Returns instance of helper object based on passed parameter (or false if helper can't be found)
     * @param  {string} name       Name of the helper
     * @return {Object}            Instance of the helper object (or false if helper can't be found)
        return _appWrapper.getHelper(name);

     * Returns configuration var value
     * @param  {string} name         String representing path to requested var (i.e. 'appConfig.appInfo.name')
     * @param  {mixed} defaultValue  Default value to be returned if configuration var is not found
     * @return {mixed}               Configuration var value
    getConfig (name, defaultValue){
        let path = name;
        let value;
        if (!path.match(/^config\./)){
            path = 'config.' + name;
        value = _.get(appState, path);
        if (_.isUndefined(value)){
            path = name;
            if (!path.match(/^appWrapperConfig\./)){
                path = 'appWrapperConfig.' + name;
            value = _.get(appState.u, path);
        if (_.isUndefined(value)){
            path = name;
            if (!path.match(/^userConfig\./)){
                path = 'userConfig.' + name;
            value = _.get(appState.u, path);
        if (_.isUndefined(value) && !_.isUndefined(defaultValue)){
            value = defaultValue;
        return value;

     * Helper method for getting call stack array for debug or user message objects
     * @return {array} An array of objects with properties 'function', 'file', 'line' and 'column', representing stack calls.
    _getStack () {
        let stackArray;
        try {
            throw new Error();
        } catch (e) {
            let stackMessages = _.filter(e.stack.split('\n'), (msg) => {
                return msg.match(/^\s+at\s/);
            // stackMessages = _.drop(_.dropRight(stackMessages));
            stackMessages = _.drop(stackMessages, 3);

            stackArray = _.map(stackMessages, (msg) => {
                let stackData = _.drop(_.trim(msg).split(' '));
                let returnValue = {
                    function: null,
                    file: null,
                    line: null,
                    column: null
                if (stackData && _.isArray(stackData)){
                    if (stackData[0]){
                        returnValue.function = stackData[0];
                    if (stackData[1]){
                        stackData[1] = stackData[1].replace(/^\(/, '').replace(/\)$/, '');
                        if (stackData[1].match(/chrome-extension:\/\//)){
                            stackData[1] = stackData[1].replace(/^[^:]+:\/\/[^/]+\//, appState.appRootDir);
                        let callerData = stackData[1].split(':');
                        if (callerData && _.isArray(callerData) && callerData.length){

                            let fileName = callerData[0];
                            if (appState && appState.appRootDir){
                                fileName = path.relative(appState.appRootDir, fileName);
                            returnValue.file = fileName;

                            if (callerData[1]){
                                returnValue.line = parseInt(callerData[1], 10);
                            if (callerData[2]){
                                returnValue.column = parseInt(callerData[2], 10);
                return returnValue;
        stackArray = _.filter(stackArray, (item) => {
            return item.function ? true : false;
        return stackArray;

     * Clears all timeouts bound to this AppWrapper instance
     * @return {undefined}
    clearTimeouts (){
        for (let name in this.timeouts){

     * Clears all intervals bound to this AppWrapper instance
     * @return {undefined}
    clearIntervals (){
        for (let name in this.intervals){
exports.BaseClass = BaseClass;

 * BaseInitializationOptions Object that contains initialization options for BaseClass
 * @typedef  {Object}   BaseInitializationOptions
 * @property {boolean}  silent          Flag to prevent initialization log messages
 * @property {Object}   manifest        Object with manifest file (package.json) data
 * @property {Object}   config          Object with configuration data