
Namespace: components


components components namespace



App debug component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


App debug controls component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


App error component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


App header component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


App info component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


App loader component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


App loader spinner component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


App main component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


App notifications component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


App operation component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


App performance bar component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


App window component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Cancel and exit component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Styled checkbox controls component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
watchOn function Method for property watching
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Config editor component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Debug config editor component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Empty component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Form control component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Form control array component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Form control checkbox component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Form control checkbox styled component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Form control label component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Form control object component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Form control select component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Form control text component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Form control textarea component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Inspector json component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Language editor component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Language select component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Line chart bar component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Live info component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Log viewer component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Message line component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Message line component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Message line component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Message list component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Modal body component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Modal dialog component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Modal dialog busy indicator component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Modal dialog contents component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Modal dialog messages component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Progress bar component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Save debug component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Save user messages component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Theme select component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Translation editor component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


User messages component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


User messages config editor component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


User messages controls component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components


Window controls component


Name Type Description
name string Name of the component
template string Component template contents
props Array.<string> Component properties
data function Data function
methods Object Component methods
watch Object Component watchers
computed Object Computed properties
components Object Child components